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A New Digital Platform

As an open access literary journal that was ‘born digital’, the SRB considers the maintenance and renewal of its digital infrastructure as two of its main priorities. Since 2013, the SRB has run on a WordPress-powered website. But as our publishing, pathways, and events programs have grown, alongside our national and international audience, so has the need for a more robust and flexible system.

We’re delighted to report that the SRB will soon be launching a new website! This will be the most significant technical overhaul in the journal’s history. Last year, we began working with the design and development team at Public Websites to revamp our digital infrastructure from the ground up. Our digital refresh – from the back-end to the search platform to the visual interface – has been guided by the desire for greater accessibility, community reach, and experimental potential. The new website will feature more refined search and navigation capabilities, allowing users to create new pathways into, and through, our archive, while showcasing the sheer diversity of the journal’s activities. (And for a sneak preview of some of the designs generated by the flexible visual system we’ll be using on our new site, check out our Instagram.)

We hope you’ll bear with us over the coming weeks as we adjust our publishing program in order to complete the migration. The new website will be unveiled in late August.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support of Create NSW in allowing us to undertake this transformative project that will future-proof the SRB as our archive grows, as digital publishing becomes increasingly multi-medial, and as online journals become ever more interconnected.

More soon!