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Akil Ahamat

Akil Ahamat’s work across video, sound, performance and installation considers the physical and social isolation of online experience and its effects in configuring contemporary subjectivity. Exploring the forms and techniques evident in ASMR roleplay videos, Ahamat employs installation elements and audio technology as the interface between himself and the audience in the gallery. Within the public context of the gallery, this displaced virtual intimacy becomes a gently disarming platform for the artist to discuss the formation of his own subjectivity refracted through film, literature and fashion. Ahamat has most recently produced online works for Bleed: Biennial Live Event in the EverydayDigital, Arts House and Campbelltown Arts Centre (2020) and Collective Trace, PACT, Erskineville (2020) and exhibited physically at Slow Burn, Parramatta Artists’ Studios, NSW (2020); A World that Breathes Out, Verge Gallery, Sydney (2019); After Technology, UTS ART, Sydney (2019). Akil was shortlisted for the NSW Visual Arts Emerging Emerging Fellowship (2020) and the winner of the John Fries Award, UNSW Galleries, Sydney (2018).

Works By Akil Ahamat