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Kathleen Mary Fallon

Kathleen Mary Fallon most recent work is a four-part project exploring her experiences as the white foster mother of a Torres Strait Islander foster son with disabilities. The project consisted of a feature lm, Call Me Mum, the script of which was short-listed for the NSW Premier’s Prize, an AWGIE and was nominated for four AFI Awards winning Best Female Support Actress Award. It was screened at the Australian Embassy in Paris for NAIDOC Week and for Sorry Day at ACMI. The project also included a novel Paydirt (UWAPress, 2007); a play, Buyback, which she directed at the Carlton Courthouse in 2006 and a Masters degree from Murdoch University. Her novel, Working Hot, (Sybylla 1989, Vintage/Random House, 2000) won a Victoria Premier’s Prize and her opera, Matricide – the Musical, which she wrote with the composer Elena Kats-Chernin, was produced by Chamber Made Opera, 1998. She wrote the text for the concert piece, Laquiem for the composer Andrée Greenwell. Laquiem was performed at The Studio at the Sydney Opera House. She holds a PhD (UniSA) and was the co-recipient of the John Oxley Memory Award, State Library of Queensland 2013.

Works By Kathleen Mary Fallon