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Nathanael O’Reilly

Nathanael O’Reilly is an Irish-Australian residing in Texas. His books include (Un)belonging (Recent Work Press, 2020); BLUE (above/ground press, 2020); Preparations for Departure (UWAP, 2017), named a Book of the Year in Australian Book ReviewCult (Ginninderra Press, 2016); Distance (Ginninderra Press, 2015); Suburban Exile (Picaro Press, 2011); and Symptoms of Homesickness (Picaro Press, 2010). More than 200 of his poems have appeared in journals and anthologies published in thirteen countries, including AntipodesAnthropoceneBackstoryCorditefourWFourXFourHeadstuffMarathon, MascaraPostcolonial Text, Skylight 47SnorkelStrukturiss, Transnational LiteratureWesterly and The Newcastle Poetry Prize Anthology 2017.

Works By Nathanael O’Reilly